Tourist knows Yogyakarta Indonesia

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Monday, November 23, 2015

Ini Kesan dan Kenangan Bupati Kulonprogo Terhadap Sosok Paku Alam IX

TRIBUNJOGJA.COM, KULONPROGO - Bupati KulonprogoHasto Wardoyo, usai menyaksikan prosesi pemakaman Paku Alam IX, Minggu (22/11/2015) mengaku begitu merasa kehilangan.

Hasto menganggap Paku Alam IX merupakan sosok teladan bagi masyarakat dan pemimpin di mana pun.

Dia pun mengenang ketika pernah bersama-sama Paku Alam IX mengunjungi para transmigran di luar Jawa.

Menurutnya, Wakil Gubernur DIY itu membuatnya terkesan karena rela jauh-jauh memperhatikan transmigran dengan cara datang langsung menyapa mereka di wilayah baru.

"Kunjungan beliau ke para transmigran bahkan sampai malam. Kegigihannya begitu mengesankan, mau memperhatikan rakyat kecil. Beliau patut menjadi teladan bagi pemimpin muda untuk lebih maju," kenang Hasto.

Tepat di hari pemakaman itu pula, sebenarnya Paku Alam IX dijadwalkan untuk hadir dalam Hari Cinta Puspa dan Satwa di Alun-alun Wates.

"Ternyata Tuhan berkehendak lain. Biasanya kalau sakit bisa langsung sembuh," ujar Bupati. (*)


Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Pengukuran Lahan Bandara Kulon Progo Molor Lagi, Yogyakarta: Proses sosialisasi dan pengukuran lahan Bandara Kulon Progo, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta hingga kini belum terlaksana.

Gubernur DIY Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono X mengatakan, molornya kegiatan ini disinyalir karena terhambat Peraturan Menteri Keuangan (PMK) Nomor 13 tahun 2013.

"Molor karena masalahnya mungkin nunggu (keputusan) Kementerian Keuangan terkait PMK. Masa petugas (pengukur lahan) enggak dibayar," ujar Sultan di Kompleks Kepatihan Yogyakarta, Selasa (17/11/2015).

Dalam PMK tersebut, diatur biaya pengukuran lahan untuk kepentingan umum maksimal Rp1,6 miliar. Sementara, perkiraan biaya untuk proses pengukuran dan inventarisir tanah bandara baru DIY di Kulon Progo secara keseluruhan bernilai Rp9 miliar.

Sultan menambahkan, pihaknya sudah meminta pemerintah pusat membantu penyelesaian persoalan ini, termasuk merevisi PMK tersebut. Malah, sebelumnya, Menteri Agraria/Kepala BPN Ferry Mursyidan Baldan menyebut PMK itu sudah tidak relevan lagi dengan persoalan tanah masa kini.

"Kita sudah rapat koordinasi dengan Deputi Wapres soal itu (PMK). Level atas yang akan menyelesaikan. Tapi sampai sekarang belum ada respons (revisi PMK) dari Kementerian Keuangan," ucap Sultan HB X.

Raja Yogyakarta ini berharap agar proses pertanahan ini bisa selesai sesuai target yakni, Triwulan III-2016. "Harapan saya bisa cepat diselesaikan. Saya masih optimis September 2016 selesai. Tapi kalau ini mundur, kepentingan lain nanti masuk," tegasnya.

Sementara itu, Sekda Pemkab Kulon Progo Astungkara tidak mengetahui alasan molornya proses sosialisasi dan pengukuran lahan. Pihaknya belum mendapat informasi jadwal pengukuran dan sosialisasi dari Badan Pertanahan Nasional (BPN) DIY.

"Wewenang pengukuran dan sosialisasi ada di BPN DIY. Kami hanya menunggu informasi baru ikut pengukuran. Kalau tidak salah BPN DIY hari ini baru merapatkan soal itu," kata Astungkara melalui sambungan telepon di Yogyakarta.

Ketika hendak dicari tahu dari BPN, Kepala BPN DIY Ari Yuwirin belum merespons pesan singkat dan telepon dari

Seharusnya, kegiatan sosialisasi dan pengukuran lahan dilakukan Senin dan Selasa pekan lalu oleh satgas A dan B BPN DIY. Kemudian, diundur menjadi Senin 16 November. Tapi, hingga kini belum ada kepastian dilaksanakannya pengukuran dan sosialisasi tersebut. 

Monday, November 16, 2015

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Friday, November 13, 2015

Friendly charm Corals Beach Wediombo Yogyakarta

Pesona Karang-karang Bersahabat di Pantai Wediombo Yogyakarta
Wediombo beach atmosphere, in the village of Jepitu, Girisubo, Gunung Kidul, Yogyakarta. (Photo: MP / Fredy Wansyah)

Travel MerahPutih - Generally not a sandy beach on the rocky edge. However, unlike the case in Wediombo Beach, Gunung Kidul, Yogyakarta. Small corals on the waterfront south beach Wediombo just friends. Corals is actually an ocean back to enjoy the beach atmosphere. Not only that, the small rocks are also not preclude for anyone who wanted to play water beach.

In fact, not a few tourists take advantage of the reefs is to be the location of fishing. Fish, crab, and shrimp are very easy to obtain. In addition, marine animals are often stung too often encountered in turn over the reef. Among these jellyfish and sea urchins. But fear not first, Turkish officials have been wary Wediombo places the animal.

Wediombo beach is one of the attractions dazzling sea in Yogyakarta. It is in the village of Jepitu, Girisubo, Gunung Kidul, Yogyakarta. The distance is approximately 40 kilometers from the city center Wonosari. While traveling from the city of Yogyakarta approximately 80 kilometers. The location was a bit far from the city center, but that does not mean there is no public transport to the attractions most east coast south DI Yogyakarta.

If you want to use public transport, public bus to look for Wonosari.Furthermore, from the town Wonosari switched to special transport to the southern coastal areas, such as Indrayanti and so on. After reaching the coastal areas, looking specifically for a motorcycle taxi driver drove to the beach Wediombo.

It is rather complicated to the beach Wediombo when using public transport. Not so if the choice of transport by private transport, such as motorcycles and cars. The main objectives that must be passed if it departs from the city of Yogyakarta is Wonosari. Furthermore, the directions to the south coast region will be posted along the way. So,no need to worry about getting lost.

Arriving at the location, along a 100-meter risers have been waiting.The distance between the shoreline with a parking location is not near. However, it will all be paid off when the lips look beautiful beaches. Charming and attractive water clarity.

In the discussion of Java, "wedi" means sand. While "Ombo" means the area. So, the name of this beach is defined as a place that has a fairly broad stretch of sand. Sand beach which is the tourist attraction. Moreover, the unique, the sand is not far from the lips of small corals.

For tourists who want to enjoy the sea coast of the south, along the shoreline may be the object of baths. While enjoying the warmth of the sun, the sand beach is very alluring. Not only the shoreline, the manager also provides the location of the seawater baths on one side of the beach. The location is often referred to by the citizens in terms of the pool is a very safe bathing location. Actually, the "pool" is part of the shoreline. Only, its location is limited by the reef. The water was very calm, so no waves. This location specifically for visitors who feel fear bath with waves southern coast.

How, interested in enjoying the corals friends? Come to Wediombo Beach, Gunung Kidul, Yogyakarta. (Fre)


Themes stretcher 2015 BWCF Volcano

BWCF 2015 Usung Tema Gunung Berapi

ktivitas Mount Barujari in the middle of the lake Segara Anak issued when the volcanic ash erupted in Sembalun, East Lombok, NTB, Sunday (25/10). (AFP PHOTO / Then Edi)

MerahPutih Culture - Samana Foundation again held perhalatan Borobudur Writers and Cultural Festival (BWCF) in 2015 with the theme "Mountain, Disasters, and Myth in the archipelago" on 12 to 14 November, in Yogyakarta and Magelang. BWCF activities initiated at Hotel Garuda, Yogyakarta. Then, a series of events held at the Manohara, Sumbing and Home Semara which three are located in Magelang.

Director Samana Foundation Yoke Darmawan deliver, "Mountain, Disasters, and Myths" became the theme of the event in 2015 because of the close BWCF Nusantara civilization and the role of mountains in the cultural traditions of community rituals.

"Actually, Samana BWCF Foundation as the organizer has announced the theme of the mountain since last year. Throughout the year, related to the theme of the mountain 200 years eruption of Mount Tambora and natural phenomena is quite serious in the spotlight," said Yoke, when contacted viaWhatsapp, Saturday ( 7/10).

(Photo courtesy: Representative Samana Foundation Imam Muhtarom and Seno Joko Suyono open a Press Conference held at Studio Mendut, Magelang regency, Saturday (7/11). Also present were representatives of the Community Five Mountains Sutanto Mendut and intellectual Romo Mudji Sutrisno)

The event BWCF 2015 will be filled seminars, musical performances, art mountain, poetry readings, film screenings, photo exhibitions, a book party, and the award ceremony sanghyang kamahayanikan Award to someone who has been dedicating itself concerning kegunungan in the archipelago.

"This award is an appreciation to those who are faithful kegunungan study. The study was considered to add value to civilization treasures of the archipelago," said Yoke. (Fre)


5 Places in Yogyakarta Mandatory You Visit

1. Malioboro

Sumber: Twitter @_Jogja_

Malioboro is the most frequented by tourists in the country and abroad. Malioboro is the name of a street in Yogyakarta and are well known to the rest of Indonesia.

Malioboro Street name is derived from the Sanskrit word has meaning wreath.

Mlioboro present shopping and culinary experiences. During the day, along Jalan Malioboro found many sellers crafts such as key chains, batik, clothing, accessories and other unique items. While the evenings, you will find lots of food vendors lesehan of Yogyakarta along Jalan Malioboro.

2. Prambanan

Prambanan is the largest Hindu temple complex in Indonesia.

You must visit this place because it has historical value tinggi.Candi Prambanan decorated with carved around the temple and told the story of Ramayana and Krishnayana.

Prambanan is located sektiar psuat 17 KM from the city of Yogyakarta. If you do not bring personal vehicles, to achieve Prambanan you simply use the bus and get off at the stop Prambanan, very easy to reach Prambanan.

3. Sultan Palace

Source: TwitterDolanDiJogja

Sultan Palace is one of the sights that you should visit.

According, Sultan Palace is a building which is occupied by the sultanate of Yogyakarta Sultan and his family.

In addition to be able to enjoy the architecture of the ancient sultanate, you can also visit the museum that has a collection of items sultanate of Yogyakarta, which is partly a gift from the king of Europe.

4. Parangtritis

Source: TwitteriArrowLite

This beach is the most famous beach in Yogyakarta.

Located about 25 KM south of downtown Yogyakarta, Parangtritis is a beach located on the shores of the Indian Ocean that has the characteristics of waves and currents are quite hefty.

Not only that, Parangtritis also has its own uniqueness. Yes, this beach has ukit sand called dunes around the beach.

5. Pindul

Source: TwitterJogjaWisata

This attraction of the cave located in the village Bejiharjo, District Karangmojo, Gunung Kidul Regency.

For the sake of enjoying the natural scenery Pindul, you have to climb up the cave with the tube above the underground river in the cave known as cave tubing.

Pindul length of the cave is 350 meters with a width of 5 meters and the distance the water surface with 4 meter cave roof. Pindul cave search takes approximately one hour that ends at a dam. Streams are in Pindul derived from Gedong Seven springs. Tourist attraction Pindul inaugurated on October 10, 2010.


Contemporary dance archipelago and Enliven BWCF 2015

Tarian Nusantara dan Kontemporer Ramaikan BWCF 2015

MerahPutih Culture - Borobudur Writers and Cultural Festival (BWCF) 2015 presenting three archipelago and contemporary dance. The third dance is derived from Banyuwangi and Magelang.While the contemporary dance community offering the Five Mountains.

Dance titled "Problems of Nature, Insan, Age" of the Five Mountains Community BWCF opening series of the second day at 08.00 am at Hotel Manohara, Magelang, Central Java, on Friday (13/11).

The hue of the dancers using all-white outfit. While the dance features diverse, ranging from chickens along the cage, fire, as well as the big motor. The half-hour action was backed music original instruments.

After the dance the Mendut care Sutanto, the mat followed a seminar entitled "Mountains and Mythology". The seminar presented geologists and archaeologists, ie I Made Geria, Indyo Pratomo, and Sugeng Riyanto. The seminar was closed approximately 12:30 pm.

Shortly thereafter, at approximately 14:00 pm, all the participants brought to the village in 2015 BWCF Krandegan, one of the villages at the foot of Mount chipped. In the village with an altitude of 1,400 above sea level, the participants presented dances typical welcome Krandegan village, Magelang, Central Java. Two female dancers, dressed in typical regions, dancing soft and quiet.

The dance was followed by a dance Banyuwangi. The artists who had come from Banyuwangi presenting dance Jejer gandrung Creations. Dances typical musical instruments backed Banyuwangi.A total of six female dancers into a spectacle that is quite exciting atmosphere. On the sidelines of the dance, the dancers invited the participants BWCF 2015 dancing in the middle of the stage.

Furthermore, three poets Joko Pinurbo, Eka Budianta, and Gunawan Maryanto read works of poetry. At the end of the event presented performances of music from two bands. All participants BWCF finally left the village which takes an hour's drive from Borobudur. All participants returned to the inn, tourist areas Borobudur, approximately at 23:00 pm. (Fre)


Government Targets 300 Thousand Travelers Yogyakarta Target President Joko Widodo in the tourism sector which targets 20 million tourists in 2019.

Pemerintah Targetkan 300 Ribu Wisatawan Yogyakarta

MerahPutih Events - Members of the House of Representatives Commission X Esti Wijayati call President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) targeting 20 million local and foreign tourists in 2019. This was disclosed Esti in discussions with the Association of Indonesian Hotels and Restaurants (PRHI) in Yogyakarta and other tourismstakeholders at Hotel Sahid Rich Yogyakarta.

"The Government of the Special Region of Yogyakarta (DIY) targeting the city of Yogyakarta as a city of education, culture, and tourism in South East Asia in 2025. This is in line with the target of President Joko Widodo in the tourism sector which targets 20 million tourists in 2019. For Yogyakarta, The government is targeting 300 thousand tourists can be absorbed in 2016, "said Esti in discussions with PRHI at Sahid Rich Hotel, Sleman, Yogyakarta, Thursday (12/11).

Esti convey, in order to support the program, the central government disbursed the State Budget (APBN) for the tourism sector in 2016 amounted to Rp5.6 trillion. This figure increased from the previous year which only Rp2.4 trillion.

"To illustrate our seriousness in developing the tourism industry, the government spent $ 5.6 trillion for the tourism sector. Rising from the previous year amounted to Rp2.4 trillion, Rp3.6 trillion of the fund will be used for tourism promotion," added the politician PDIP.(fre)


Borobudur Writers and Cultural Festival 2015 Officially Opened

Borobudur Writers and Cultural Festival 2015 Resmi Dibuka

MerahPutih events - Borobudur Writers and Cultural Festival (BWCF) in 2015 officially opened at the Hotel Inna Garuda, Yogyakarta, Thursday (12/11). Gathering of writers, artists, and cultural experts was organized Samana Foundation and PT Taman Wisata Candi.

Dilangsung ceremonial opening of the art as well as procurement discussions with sources Romo Mudji Sutrisno, Budi Subanar, Yoke Darmawan, and Sutanto Mendut.

"What's interesting about BWCF their joint activities towards the inland village at the foot of the mountain and Mount Arts performances of five mountain communities," said Imam Muhtarom, through a release received

BWCF this time the topic of the mountain, disaster, and mythology.All three will be discussed in the discussion, exhibitions and art performances for three days. "Hopefully from here lead to pride, respect, maintenance, and utilization of national culture," he added.

As in previous years, the event was held in two BWCF tourist town, namely Yogyakarta and Magelang. In addition to involving artists and culture, BWCF 2015 also involving archaeologists, geologists and historians. Among these I Made Geria archaeologists, geologists Indyo Pratomo. While the poet who helped fill his poetry is an art action Joko Budianta Pinurbo and Eka. (Fre)


Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Obyek Wisata Goa Kebon panjatan

Tourism potential in Kulon Progo quite diverse, but the tourist is able to provide a space for learning is still not a lot. On this basis, the District Panjatan began to introduce tourism potential, Taman Tirta Wiyata Kebon Cave as a tourist destination education. Taman Tirta Wijaya Cave Kebon become one of the tourism potential introduced this district as a tourist area of education.
"This park has one of the interesting natural objects, namely Kebon cave. The cave was formed naturally from limestone deposits that lasted long enough," said Sudarmanto interrupted the launch of Taman Tirta Wijaya inaugurated Vice Regent Kulonprogro Sutedjo, Thursday (10/8/2015 ).

Department of Education Kulonprogro helped people appreciate the idea Panjatan to develop education-based tourism potential. Head of Education Kulonprogro Sumarsana revealed, until now there is no tourist attraction as a tourist destination specializing in education. Despite the many attractions that offers educational tours in it.
According existence located in the garden or yard, a tourist attraction that is not widely known was later named Cave Kebon.
The owner of the yard, Komarul Hadi claimed, the cave has been around a long time and formed naturally. Since the yard is cleaned and cut down some trees to open off-road trail bike path, residents especially young people more who visit.
drive from Jogja reached by approximately one hour. The road to get to this attraction also can be accessed properly.
Just do not have signposts, so it is quite difficult to find it. This is because the attraction is not professionally managed.
"This place just to play the kids around here. Sometimes if all afternoon most of the children were discharged home from school who play. But lately a lot of people from out of town who come, even until there are camping here ,


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