"This park has one of the interesting natural objects, namely Kebon cave. The cave was formed naturally from limestone deposits that lasted long enough," said Sudarmanto interrupted the launch of Taman Tirta Wijaya inaugurated Vice Regent Kulonprogro Sutedjo, Thursday (10/8/2015 ).
Department of Education Kulonprogro helped people appreciate the idea Panjatan to develop education-based tourism potential. Head of Education Kulonprogro Sumarsana revealed, until now there is no tourist attraction as a tourist destination specializing in education. Despite the many attractions that offers educational tours in it.
According existence located in the garden or yard, a tourist attraction that is not widely known was later named Cave Kebon.
The owner of the yard, Komarul Hadi claimed, the cave has been around a long time and formed naturally. Since the yard is cleaned and cut down some trees to open off-road trail bike path, residents especially young people more who visit.
drive from Jogja reached by approximately one hour. The road to get to this attraction also can be accessed properly.
Just do not have signposts, so it is quite difficult to find it. This is because the attraction is not professionally managed.
"This place just to play the kids around here. Sometimes if all afternoon most of the children were discharged home from school who play. But lately a lot of people from out of town who come, even until there are camping here ,