Tourist knows Yogyakarta Indonesia

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Thursday, February 18, 2016

Konflik Agama di Kulonprogo Mungkin Terjadi, Ini Pemicunya, KULONPROGO-Ketua Forum Kerukunan Umat Beragama (FKUB) Kulonprogo, Muntachob menilai kerukunan umat beragama di Kulonprogo sepanjang 2015 lalu relatif kondusif. Kendati demikian, masyarakat perlu mewaspadai sejumlah persoalan.

jual CD resep masakan
Dalam pengamatannya, masyarakat Kulonprogo cenderung tidak mudah terprovokasi sehingga hampir tidak ada perkara yang berkepanjangan. Namun, tegas dia, masyarakat tetap perlu selalu mewaspadai sejumlah faktor yang bisa mengusik kerukunan umat beragama. Di antaranya adalah perkawinan antar pemeluk agama yang berbeda, pendirian tempat ibadah, kasus penistaan agama, perbedaan kepentingan politik, serta konflik sosial budaya lainnya.
“Kegiatan sosial oleh kelompok agama tertentu yang sasarannya kalangan lintas agama juga bisa menjadi pemicu jika tidak transparan,” ucap Muntachob, Kamis (18/2/2016)
Masyarakat juga diminta lebih hati-hati terhadap pendatang yang membawa ajaran agama tertentu, terlebih jika terdapat perbedaan pada pola ibadah maupun ajaran lainnya.
“Pemerintah dan tokoh masyarakat diharapkan berupaya meningkatkan pemahaman beragama masyarakat agar tidak mudah terbujuk aliran menyimpang. Eksklusivisme, fanatisme, dan radikalisme juga bisa memicu konflik umat beragama,” papar Muntachob.
Sementara itu, Kepala Kantor Kesatuan Bangsa dan Politik (Kesbangpol) Kabupaten Kulonprogo, Tri Wahyudi pun sepakat jika eksklusivisme dapat menjadi faktor yanggancam kerukunan umat beragama.
“Misalnya saat ada kelompok tertentu yang tidak membuka diri dengan kelompok lain atau masyarakat umum serta mengabaikan ajaran dan pola kebiasaan masyarakat di suatu wilayah,” papar Tri.
Editor:  | dalam: Kulon Progo |

Ekspor Udang Vaname Ditolak Meksiko, Kulonprogo Lacak Penyebabnya

Ilustrasi (JIBI/Harian Jogja/Antara)Ilustrasi (JIBI/Harian Jogja/Antara)
Ekspor udang vaname asal Kulonprogo ditolak Meksiko, KULONPROGO- Pemerintah Kabupaten Kulonprogo, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta, melacak mata rantai produksi udang vaname dari hulu sampai hilir menindaklanjuti informasi bahwa ekspor lima ton udang vaname ditolak Meksiko karena diduga terserang virus myo.
Bupati Kulonprogo Hasto Wardoyo, mengatakan infeksi virus bisa terjadi pada setiap rantai produksi dari hulu sampai hilir.
“Oleh karena itu perlu dilacak rantai pengelolaannya dari hulu [kolam] sampai hilir pengemasan dan pemasarannya,” kata Hasto.
Menurut dia, persoalan ini sangat sensitif, jangan sampai mematikan produksi di Kabupaten Kulonprogo.
“Mata rantai mana yang terekspose virus harus dilacak sebelum menyalahkan petani,” katanya, seperti dikutip dari Antara.
Kabid Perikanan dan Budi Daya Dinas Kelautan, Perikanan, dan Peternakan ( DKPP) Kulonprogo Leo Handoko mengatakan ada informasi yang berkembang udang vaname dari Jangkaran, Kecamatan Temon, sebanyak lima ton ditolak di Meksiko yang disebabkan virus myo.
“Saat ini kami sedang menelurusi kebenarannya,” kata Leo.
Ia mengatakah ekspor udang dari Kulonprogo melalui eksportir dari Cilacap, Jawa Tengah, bukan warga langsung. Apakah udang tersebut berasal dari Kulonprogo.
“Kemungkinan sangat banyak. Hal ini dapat dimungkinkan persaingan pedagang. Di sepanjang pantai selatan ini, berkembang pesat tambak udang, tidak hanya di Kulonprogo. Makanya, kami menelurusi informasi di lapangan. Kami menerima informasi baru Rabu [17/2/2016] dan langsung kami tindaklanjuti,” kata Leo.
Ia mengatakan berdasarkan hasil pemantauan, pihaknya tidak menemukan adanya virus myo. Makanya, dirinya dan petugas lain kaget setelah mendapat informasi yang mengatakan udang dari Kulonprogo ditolak di Meksiko.
“Faktanya, belum ada virus myo di lapangan. Informasi ini kami gunakan untuk penelurusan di lapangan. Nanti Dinas Kelautan dan Perikanan DIY akan turun untuk melakukan investigasi,” kata dia.
Editor:  | dalam: Kulon Progo |


Cegah DBD, Manfaatkan Drainase untuk Pelihara Ikan

PROGRAM UGADI, KULONPROGO- Selain sebagai saluran pembuangan air, SKPD Pemkab Kulonprogo manfaatkan drainase kantor sebagai kolam ikan untuk cegah perkembangan penyakit demam berdarah (DBD).
Ini sebagai salah satu cara pemberantasan sarang nyamuk yang mungkin berkembang dalam saluran tersebut.
Sejumlah pejabat menabur 400 benih ikan nila merah di saluran drainase di lingkungan kantor Sekretaris Daerah (Sekda) Pemkab Kulonprogo pada Rabu (17/2/2016).
Sebelumnya, drainase ini telah dibenahi sehingga sesuai dengan kebutuhan tersebut. Hal ini dilakukan untuk memperindah lingkungan dan meminimaslisasi perkembangan jentik-jentik.
Kepala Bagian Umum Setda Kulonprogo, L Bowo Pristiyanto menyatakan bahwa ini merupakan suatu langkah uji coba. “Selain sebagai hiasan, juga sebagai media pembunuh nyamuk,” ujarnya.
Ia juga menguraikan bahwa mendatang akan dilakukan pembenahan untuk menjadi kolam.
Editor:  | dalam: Kulon Progo |

Saturday, January 30, 2016

Traveled to Yogyakarta while Learning How Safe Driving

YOGYAKARTA - The behavior of safe driving is now the main thing that is being aggressively done by many parties, including the automotive industry. Though initially somewhat difficult, education is now safe driving (safety riding) started to be considered important by some people. In fact, Astra Motor Safety Riding Center (SRC) in Yogyakarta started to become a choice tourist destination by vacationers from outside the city.
Safety Riding Analyst Astra Motor Yogyakarta Muhammad Ali Iqbal explained that there are more than 10 groups of tourists or approximately 1,500 visitors from out of town who visited the SRC at the end of last year.
"Most are school groups who are on vacation or work from outside Yogyakarta travel. They took time to learn about safety riding, in the midst of their agenda traveled, "Iqbal said in a statement.
Iqbal said that the educational tour like this trend will increase. This is because there are already some of the local tourism bureau outside Jogja as of Pemalang, Lumajang, Wonosobo, even Lampung began offering safe driving training in Safety Riding Center has become one of the tourist destinations.
Being an educational excursion options, any participants in the educational program at the SRC will get a series of related safety riding training in riding a motorcycle.
The training is provided free of charge or for free and tutored by experienced instructors using a standard Honda facilities.
"In the future, we would like to invite all the people of Jogja who want to learn about safety riding both government agencies, private institutions, communities, students, and students to take advantage of this facility. So that later, together we can achieve a safe traffic Indonesia, "added Iqbal.
Astra Motor Safety Riding Centerterletak in Jalan Sudirman No. 99, Yogyakarta.


SATE Samirono: Taste does not change with Masa (24 Hours Nonstop)

Goat meat is believed by many to be able to raise the energy in the body so that it can move back more excited. But there are some who say if the goat meat raises the risk of hypertension. Wait, wait, Eat Mania! Apparently from the research indicate if the brain, viscera, and the skin was the main cause of hypertension. Mutton ranks fourth. Still dare to eat satay?
Culinary Jogja was complete which also serves meals and chicken satay. There is one shop that is famous by the legendary delicious flavor and atmosphere that makes you comfortable and at ease to eat with the family. His name, Warung Sate Samirono located at 105 Colombo Street, near the GOR UNY.Eat Mania is easy to see this shop because it is affordable and green colored paint stall that easily meet.
This culinary efforts hereditary one that makes the chicken satay and never changed from time to time.Typical soy sauce and beans, the meat is cut into large, always be memories of anyone childhood eat.Satenya presentation along with shredded cabbage, tomatoes, and onions make satay Samirono want to be resolved by you.
Here are some of the menus that can Eat Mania select and enjoy. Prices vary from eight thousand to twenty thousand rupiah. Welcome to taste the culinary Jogja, Eat Mania!
Menu Meat Goats
Sate mutton, lean mutton satay, fried mutton satay, satay buntel goat, lamb roll, tongseng, gule, tengkleng, and fried goat. fried rice and mutton.
Menu Chicken
Satay chicken, lean chicken satay, fried chicken satay, tongseng chicken, chicken fried rice.
Menu Beef

satay beef, lean beef satay, fried beef satay, tongseng beef, lean ground tongseng.

GATOT: eat, Missing heartburn?

That said, anyone who eat typical food gatot Gunung, ulcer disease will disappear. What causes gatot made from cassava that could reduce the pain caused Maag? Here's the secret!
Gatot fact the rest of the manufacturing process Tiwul less than perfect. This is due to incomplete drying.Well, by residents of Gunung, residue lot of people will throw further enhanced price with reworked.
How made, cassava dried to be dried cassava. Soak with whiting for 12 hours or overnight. Wash thoroughly and cut into tiny little then steamed for two hours. Once cooked, dried cassava that is so wide gatot place in container until cool. Eat very easily by adding shavings sugar and brown sugar and grated coconut. It was, very tasty and filling!
Editors wondered why could gatot heal stomach ulcers. From the information obtained, gatot have long-term satiating effect. Medically, the digestive tract takes a long time to process food into the stomach.This is what makes gatot can cure ulcer disease.
To get gatot, Eat Mania can slide to some traditional markets in Gunung Kidul. Stock very abundant. The most famous is in Jalan Scout No. 36 Wonosari. Price per besek only five thousand rupiah to fifteen thousand rupiah. Cheap is not it?
Additionally, gatot now packaged in the form of fast food. So, Eat Mania can get home to cook for family and friends. Good luck, Eat Mania!
Jogja culinary greetings!


CULINARY TOUR VILLAGE Pringwulung: Spot Culinary shooting Suitable For Dating

Try to Eat Mania who are in love trying to come to the village of Culinary Pringwulung. Valley or shack eating place is very romantic. You both just select from several stalls in the village. There's Sausage House, Swimming Milk, Mbok Limboek, Valley Bamboe, and others. Ask your spouse, 'Honey to select which one?' while around the bustling village will Culinary visitors, especially in the evening and reached its peak on weekends.
Atmosphere of the village one of the main goals of culinary Jogja location is very beautiful and comfortable. Open since 4 pm until 12 pm, very suitable for PDKT vehicle, firing girlfriend, or applying for a lover. You are singles should not be discouraged. Here, you can also create crowded places crowded hang out with friends and family.
If you are interested, these roads are impassable to reach the village of Culinary Pringwulung very easy.
UIN Sunan Kalijogo from the junction at Jalan Solo glide toward Amplaz. There is a fork in the direction Nologaten take the left. Luruslah continues to be a T-junction and take a left. Right after the bridge in the village where Culinary Pringwulung.
Congratulations making love in this romantic place, huh! Hopefully destined.
Greetings Eat Culinary Jogja!

Scientific studies indicate if 100 grams of locust adults contains some useful substances  to the body the following:
- Protein, 23.6 grams
- of fat, 6.1 grams
- calcium, 35.2 milligrams
- and iron, 5 milligrams
Entomological Society of America also explained that if the locusts are a source of
protein that is better than beef and chicken. Because content results in high protein
and low in cholesterol, locust safe for people with heart abnormalities.
Gunung rich exotic attraction that is now being developed as tourist bloom
climbing, caves, and many other destinations. Calcareous arid region is now
growing rapidly and involve the entire potential of its people.
If Eat Mania has heard culinary thiwul and gatot derived from cassava,
there are also extreme confectionary which has become one of the typical culinary Jogja is
Grasshopper processed here is a kind of grasshopper brown wood. For this type of
grasshopper others are not delicious to eat. Presentation of locusts usually in the form of sweet, marinated
fried so it feels penetrated into the meat of locusts.
Price fried grasshoppers jar packaging generally priced between 20 thousand to 25 thousand. You
can get around easily in the market Argosari, Playen Market, Market Paliyan, or
shop by the typical Gunung.
You certainly made ​​hooked after enjoying a culinary Jogja! Greetings eat culinary


WORM TEAK & UNGKRUNG: Delicious, Savory, and Challenging Nyali

Rain a blessing for anyone who is grateful. If Eat Mania furious when the rain comes and spoil a birthday party or other agenda, we are entitled to see this fascinating story.
Teak forests in Grogol Region I, Bejiharjo Village, District Karangmojo, Gunung after the rain stopped definitely crowded by hunters or entung teak caterpillars and pupae ungkrung ie. They carry a plastic bag, crouching and picking leaves dark brown teak leaves that fall on the ground.
That's where teak and ungkrung caterpillars are often found to be processed so unique and delicious cuisine. It appears some hunters found a black worm measuring approximately three inches with fur that makes aching and tingling. Arriving home, caterpillars and ungkrung boiled with a mixture of charcoal in order to reduce the levels of toxins that do not trigger allergies. Another way to enjoy the caterpillar teak and ungkrung is by membacemnya and serving it with rice warm Tiwul. It seems incredible let alone the whole family enjoyed.
Price per kilo, which reached 70,000 so blessing for caterpillar hunter teak and ungkrung. They called entertainment that makes money. Interested in trying this unique culinary Jogja?
Jogja culinary greetings!


Gudeg DJUMINTEN: Recipe 3 Generation Pastimes President Soekarno

Wet warm Juminten picture Source:
Wet Gudeg Juminten
Homecoming this year was memorable because of the presidential election process has been completed and safe. The new president has been elected and let Mania Eat all create an atmosphere of calm that life back smoothly and surely we Jogja culinary hunting hobby honed neatly.
The story of what a successful culinary editorial and Eat Jogja can be shared on all colleagues in the country who happened to stop in this student city?
Gudeg Djuminten culinary throne is obliged to enter into a culinary exploration plans Mania Eat in Yogyakarta. These stalls are older than 80 years show if its presence has graced the repertoire of culinary tastes Jogja. Now, the manager of this shop is the grandson of Mrs. Djuminten Pak Agung.
Source image:
Source image:
Beraksara writing Java "Sugeng Rawuh" or Welcome obviously tacked on the wall clean room with tables and chairs arranged neatly. There are also paintings and photographs of the Eiffel tower Bu Djuminten on the other side of the wall. The room is painted light green flavored Java graceful old days and reassuring.
The location of this warm stall Jalan Asem Gede 14 Kranggan Region. Every moment, stalls crowded by visiting Jogja culinary addicts. Entered the room, the waiter immediately greeted friendly and offers a menu list to Eat Mania select. Choose a complete warm rice shredded chicken and eggs. It feels incredible guaranteed!
Gudeg offered Djuminten stalls are open from 7 am to 9 pm in the form of warm wet. Is different from the dry warm offered many sellers warm, warm wet Djuminten has peculiarities, namely:
Wear areh. Not dry warm.
Areh sort of thick coconut milk pure, dry warm while wearing blondo.
Flavor inherent in gideg Djuminten is kelegitannya that does not make eneg. So anyone can enjoy a menu of Jogja sweet. Additionally, Eat Mania can be brought by the form of warm kendil with all incoming lauknya and durable even without preservatives.
Completing Djuminten warm wet rice, a typical drink rice kencur citaras lock in the tongue Eat Mania. This drink has properties that refresh the body sweat profusely.
Gudeg Djuminten a favorite of President Sukarno, Megawati, and Puan Maharani. So, enjoy it as Eat Mania had blood closeness to breed Sukarno. Want to try the delights of warm wet Djuminten?
Jogja culinary greetings!


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