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Saturday, January 30, 2016

Traveled to Yogyakarta while Learning How Safe Driving

YOGYAKARTA - The behavior of safe driving is now the main thing that is being aggressively done by many parties, including the automotive industry. Though initially somewhat difficult, education is now safe driving (safety riding) started to be considered important by some people. In fact, Astra Motor Safety Riding Center (SRC) in Yogyakarta started to become a choice tourist destination by vacationers from outside the city.
Safety Riding Analyst Astra Motor Yogyakarta Muhammad Ali Iqbal explained that there are more than 10 groups of tourists or approximately 1,500 visitors from out of town who visited the SRC at the end of last year.
"Most are school groups who are on vacation or work from outside Yogyakarta travel. They took time to learn about safety riding, in the midst of their agenda traveled, "Iqbal said in a statement.
Iqbal said that the educational tour like this trend will increase. This is because there are already some of the local tourism bureau outside Jogja as of Pemalang, Lumajang, Wonosobo, even Lampung began offering safe driving training in Safety Riding Center has become one of the tourist destinations.
Being an educational excursion options, any participants in the educational program at the SRC will get a series of related safety riding training in riding a motorcycle.
The training is provided free of charge or for free and tutored by experienced instructors using a standard Honda facilities.
"In the future, we would like to invite all the people of Jogja who want to learn about safety riding both government agencies, private institutions, communities, students, and students to take advantage of this facility. So that later, together we can achieve a safe traffic Indonesia, "added Iqbal.
Astra Motor Safety Riding Centerterletak in Jalan Sudirman No. 99, Yogyakarta.


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